Case Studies/Australian Red Cross

Australian Red Cross

As technology develops, there are always new and exciting ways to solve our biggest problems. The Australian Red Cross worked with VERSA on a hack day to try and help all Australian’s prepare for an emergency.


The focus for the day

We began by grounding each team in research and insights from national ARC surveys around the bushfires in Australia.

We focussed on IoT, Voice, Chat Bots, VR/AR, and applications. Seeing how each new piece of tech could solve key problems for a different audience segment. With an overall goal to prepare all Australian’s for an emergency.

Design & Innovation

Collaboration that creates solutions

During ideation, our goal is to develop and capture everyone’s ideas. We do this by writing, explaining or drawing our ideas on a wall and sharing them with a wider team.

We test and validate each idea and arrive at a key focus for the group. Testing and validation are based on checking whether the idea would work for the audience. It’s a challenge to bring 50 great ideas into one solution, but through collaboration, discussion and creative direction we can begin to make these ideas into a reality.

Prototype Development

Functional prototypes for testing

After ideation and validation, we begin prototyping and testing our ideas. With new and emerging technology our teams were pushing what was possible in a day.

We designed and built a functioning chatbot, we created a voice prototype, we even made a heat-responsive lighting system. Turning a concept into a functioning prototype in a day is a challenge for any team. We then present ideas for assessment. Judges look at desirability, feasibility, scalability and the innovation of the solution.